Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What is holding you back?

Question for the week:

What is holding you back from achieving the things on you're list? Tell us about a time you either had something stop you from achieving your goals or the reason why you havent tried to complete your goals?

For me, I would have to say time and money, and maybe a little bit of fear. Time because going to school part-time and working full -time doesnt give me enough free time! Money is basically a no-brainer! I also have some fear... I want to go out and just travel and explore. I want to find adventure!!! With that said, I would be leaving behind everything I worked hard for! But I guess Plato was right when he said, " Courage is knowing what not to fear"


  1. Mine is SCUBA diving. I signed up for a SCUBA excursion on the first cruise we took but I freaked out when I went under water and wouldn't even try again. The guide was really patient with me and tried to coax me into just putting my face in the water, but I wasn't hearing it. I have a pretty big fear of water, and for some reason I thought I'd have no trouble at all SCUBA diving with no training. Its on my list to take SCUBA lessons next year/become certified and then I will say I've conquered my fear of water.

  2. Following from TOMT. I put my school on hold for my family but ended up back in school doing what I wanted.

  3. My mother is sometimes demeaning to me... but, oh i love her so... its just her nature :(

  4. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following :)

    Money is a huge one for keeping me back from achieving the things I want to. We're a single income family and some things just aren't a priority. But I'm ok with that!

  5. Hi! I'm visiting (& following) from Pink Dandy Sunday Blog Hop.

    Have a great Sunday!

    Linda @ Linda's Lunacy

  6. Following you back and really enjoying your blog. Don't ya just love meeting friends. :)

  7. I'm easily distracted by shiny things. 0.o

    Btw, thanks for hopping by my blog and inviting me over.

  8. Nothing is holding me back right now from achieving my dreams!

    I just found your blog through one of the Thursday blog hops! Have a great rest of the week.

    Amanda @

  9. For me, time isn't really an issue. I have summers off, 2 weeks in the winter off and a week each spring. The money aspect of it is what is holding me back from some of my goals.

  10. Hey there! I'm now following your page and love this first post. I have a Bucket List going for quite sometime and I'm happy to say much has been checked off over the past year :) I'm working on it as well it gets bigger and bigger. I hope you'll come visit me!

